2022 was a great year for me - for the first time in years, it felt like there was a possibility that I could write TV for a living.
Like most, I experienced moments of doubt, feelings or imposter syndrome or just full on paranoia that everyone around me is just being nice to me and my delusional brain.
This is a post to combat those feelings.
I'm saying thank you to 2022 and all the wonderful, affirming experiences that I had.
Writing, Learning and Re-Writing

Throughout the year (and whilst holding down a full time job), I found the time to write whenever I could.
I'm sure there are moments that I could have written more, pushed myself further but in those moments, I chose self care over an arbitrary goal I had set myself.
Won The Steven Knight Screenwriting Competition

In July 2022 I saw an advertisement for a competition - The Steven Knight Make It In Birmingham Writer's Competition. At the time, I didn't enter. Instead, I sent the link to a few writer friends and promptly forgot about it.
Later that month, the advertisement found its way to my attention again so I threw caution to the wind and chucked LONE WOLVES into the pile.
In September 2022, I found out I was in the top 3! We were all given a writing task to do then a few weeks later, I was called by the BIRMINGHAM FILM & TV MARKET people to say that I had won the competition!
Pitched to Network Execs
As part of my prize, I scored a ticket to the BFTM in Birmingham.
I was given a long list of execs I'd like to pitch and then assigned a schedule. I met with KUDOS, Banijay, SKY, BBC, ITV and Channel 4! What an incredible list.
Signed with An Agent

I'd been sending out query emails here and there throughout the year but not really taking it seriously. With a win under my belt, I thought maybe it was time I could actually sign.
With that mentality, I set myself a goal to sign with an agent before the end of the year.
After a single round of querying, I signed with Andrew Mills at Revolution Talent in November 2022.
What's Next?
I don't know but I do know what I've never been so sure of myself.
I've finally found something I enjoy AND I'm good at - it can be a rare combination.
I have some private goals set for 2023 but mostly I'm going to focus on keeping this momentum going and putting all my energy into breaking into the industry.
- Luci